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Wednesday, January 6, 2021

One Branch of the Family Tree

1700's Bertie/Nash/Albemarle Carolina Colony

 Mathew Tucker+Amelia Savage Ann Butler+Unknown

Barshaba Nobel Tucker  + John Nicholas Butler

Barnaby Butler + AnnOwens (colonists family from Europe)

Mahala Butler+James Chandler (nothing is known of his family origins.)

1800's Alabama/Florida Line

Arra Ann Bashaba Ary Chandler+Timothy Ozier Duck (family immigrated from England)

Doratha Duck+William Hampton Silcox 

(his father from fla mother from SC, maternal grandfather simply listed as Chief Pitts.)

Martha E. Silcox+Silvanious M. Wallace (Scottish origins)

Kathleen A. Wallace+GW Parker (fla?)

2nd half of 1900's Southport, NC

GS Parker+DJ Kimsey (Scottish origins)

Me and my twin sister!

1 comment:

  1. Mary Sarah Pitts's parents are listed erroneously on Ancestry.com as Henry D. Pitts and Jane Pimperton, however Jane is listed as having died in 1784 at the age of 49, while Mary was born in 1794. The FamilyTreeSearch site has her father listed as Chief Pitts, SC and mother unknown. Who was Chief Pitts?


Oak Hollow Camp Ground

  I haven't blogged in a while, I went down the ancestry research rabbit hole for a while and also have been working on home projects, f...